Corporate story

The package

Starting with your corporate presentations – anything from how you present yourself to stakeholders to the messaging on your website – checking the coherency and clarity of the message.

If it makes sense, I might also scan your competitive set to see how they are doing the same. Together, we can then sense check the “identity” of the company: is it compelling enough for your readers, is the red thread sharp enough, are there points you want to dial up or down?

To finish; a reworked corporate presentation and key messaging house. And if you want more, we can explore options to refresh your branding.

Typical scenarios

  • You find yourself opposite a disruptive event – perhaps an M&A, a new product launch or a shift in strategy. Your current corporate documents are good but the red thread is now lost and the connections need to be made in a new way. I provide the bridge between the “old” and “new” to re-establish this clarity in how you tell your story.

  • It is often the case that when we are too close to the subject, we struggle to see what the other misses. This lost in translation moment is particularly prevalent when presentations use a set of technical terms or vocabulary which are simply not known to its readers. Coming from the outside, I break down jargon into a simpler common language.

  • Investors usually have limited time and a gruelling agenda. Making your case in today’s investor environment becomes a tricky balance between selling a bold vision and reassuring the risks – and all of this in 10 minutes! I work with a modular approach – you have the elevator speech on one side, and the supporting Q&A on the other.

  • Some companies are so successful that they’ve never really needed to do the groundwork on the branding and communication side. But now that the product or service is flying, you want to capitalise on your success and build a brand and messaging house that sets the path for this more vital asset.

Why Konsult?

For the last few years I’ve worked in corporate communications - leading me to crystalise messaging for many different types of organisations, including private equity offices, consumer products, life sciences and sustainable agriculture.

Before this, many years as Head of Strategy required me to regularly stand up in front of the C-Suite and make my case. This usually meant having a lean and persuasive presentation for them, supported by a lot of clean, organised and coherent data behind the scenes. It is this combination that makes the message and the story powerful – and my experience in this domain equally strong.