Customer pulse

The package

I typically start with having a look at your existing customer data: what do you have, where is it stored, how do you use it? From this, I can start connecting the dots to find patterns or hints of insights, or add some internal focus groups to strengthen interpretation.

The next step; running some desk research on what’s trending to understand how you may want to prepare for the horizon.

We activate all of this through a moderated workshop with some of your key people, and flesh out any changes, tweaks, or success measures for tomorrow’s organisation.

Typical scenarios

  • Organisations typically harvest customer or consumer data in many different teams, from market insights to customer service, sales force reps to implicit trends in your sales data. New insights can be found when analysing these sources collectively, so make sure those connected learnings don’t go unexploited.

  • What does being customer centric mean? It is often unachievable to rely entirely on customer needs and feedback to shape all of the strategic decisions made – so rather than taking a top-down approach we start bottom-up, asking each team to identify which areas of their work could be more customer-centric, and what would they need to adapt?

  • Most business models assess trends alongside risks – but once the product or service is defined you might already be running behind the latest trends. This scenario is about having some tools to assess fitness on a regular level and outsourcing that trends collation so that you have time to activate the learning.

  • Cut-through is getting harder with the growth of customer touchpoints and capture time. This makes messaging ever-more important, so some analysis on what’s out there – in or out of category - can help redefine what resonates.

Why Konsult?

After 20+ years of consulting I’ve understood that people don’t always do what they say they’re going to do - so being able to read customer data is just as important as harvesting it.

I’ve led large-scale multi-country research programs for global clients like Unilever, Chanel or Givaudan, and worked with SMEs operating on a start-up budget where consumer data is scarce. Ranging from concept testing to brand image, advertising to trend analysis, portfolio management to in-market behaviour; shaping decisions rooted at the customer level.